Chinese translation for "between outside"
- 外间距
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | There is a pin hole between outside shell and output axis 外套与输出轴的径向有一个插销孔。 | | 2. | The interests " conflicts and agent ' s problems between outside shareholders and dominant shareholders are minimized and all the stakeholders " rights and interests will be protected more effectively 而培育人格化的更趋理性和更具代表性的少数大股东则是优化股权结构。形成少数大股东联盟治理的核心内容和基本前提。 | | 3. | Using game theory , this paper builds licensing game models respectively , and mainly analyzes licensing game problems between outside innovator and potential licensee with complete information and with moral hazard 摘要本文利用博弈论的方法,分别建立了许可博弈模型,主要分析了具有完全信息和具有道德风险两种情况下外部创新者与潜在受让人之间的技术许可问题。 | | 4. | The relationships among different shareholders , especially the agent relationships between the outside shareholders and the dominant shareholders ( or the board dominated by them ) , are the start point and the determinant element for other types of agent relationships in a company . therefore , the corporate governance should commence with the inner - shareholders governance . that is to say that we should put the focus on finding the solution to the interests conflicts between outside shareholders and dominant shareholders ( or board of directors ) and resolve the agent problem between them 股东资产是公司存在的首要前提,股东权益是公司的权益之源,股东之间的相互关系,尤其是外部股东和控制型大股东(或受其控制的董事会)之间的代理关系就成为公司中其它类型代理关系的起点和和决定性因素,从而,公司治理的出发点应当放在股东的内部治理上,即解决外部股东与控制型大股东(或董事会)之间的利益冲突和代理问题。 | | 5. | The content of this article includes : first of all , analyzing the characteristic of the middle manager on the basis of motivatng in enterprises insufficiently , according dandura ’ triadic reciprocal determinism , setting up the middle manager ’ s global motivation frame , and paying attention to self - encouragement which is ignored in motivation study in the past . through past self - encouragement retrospect and summary that study and combine psychological theory detailed self - structure and motivation self - analysis , we set up three cross self - encouragement system model , probe into self - motivation and the relationship between outside motivation and self - motivation . finally , we combine the middle - manager ’ s actual conditions and characteristic to build and construct the whole motivation system based on psychoanalysis , and dissect characteristic and motivation design principle of the motivation system 本论文的大体内容包括:首先,在分析中层管理者的特征和其在企业中激励不足的基础上,根据社会认知心理学大师班杜拉的三元交叉模型建立中层管理者激励的整体框架,并进一步关注于以往激励研究中所忽视的对被激励主体特征的探究,提出了应该重视主体的自我激励的观点,并通过对以往的自我激励的相关研究的回顾和总结以及结合心理学理论中详细的自我结构和自我激励过程的分析,建立了三元交叉模型下的自我激励体系,并探究了自我激励与外部激励的关系以及外部激励的内化问题。 | | 6. | In the paper the enterprise culture is being looked as the idea , value trend and behavior norm of all the staff . the aim of enterprise culture is coordinate the relationship between outside and inside of the enterprise and lead the enterprise to the right way . in the mean time , it is not the enterprise by itself needs the enterprise culture but the times do 本文首先论述了企业文化的基本概念和出版企业引进企业文化的必要性,将企业文化视为企业员工所共有的观念、价值取向以及行为规范,以协调企业内外的各种关系,引导企业向正确的目标前进,并指出了企业文化建设不仅是出版企业自身发展的需要,也是时代进步的必然要求。 | | 7. | Many factors discussed in the article like the static force between the drugs and melamine formaldehyde / poly ( styrene sulfonate sodium salt ) ( mf / pss ) complex inside the capsules , the concentration balance between outside and inside the capsules , and the drugs " solubility will affect the deposition and release behaviors 这是因为不同环境下,小分子药物和具有自发沉积性质的胶囊内的三聚氰胺甲醛聚苯乙烯磺酸盐( mf pss )复合物之间的电荷作用,胶囊内外药物浓度的平衡和药物自身溶解度等多重因素造成。 | | 8. | There are three surveys in this paper , the retail market survey , the newspaper market survey and the reader survey . through these surveys , the general situation of taizhou market of newspaper industry was outlined . on the base of a large number of data , it summarizes the characteristics of taizhou market of newspaper industry . first , the competition between outside area newspapers and local newspapers has already formed . second , at present , newspapers published in big cities gain the advantage over the local newspaper . third , readers in taizhou have their own characteristics , which are very different from readers in big cities , such as the educational level , the economical condition , the reading custom , and so on . third , the network of newspapers retail sales has already established , and most of newsstands belong to local post offices . finally , comparatively speaking , both readers and newspaper sales in taizhou are on a small scale 本文选取江苏省泰州市报业市场作为样本,通过对零售市场、本地外地报纸市场占有情况、受众规模与阅报习惯三个方面的实地调查,用大量数据勾勒出泰州报业市场的整体现状,并在此基础上总结出泰州报业市场的特征:外地报纸和本地报纸之间的竞争已经形成,外地报纸在竞争中处于优势地位;报纸读者在受教育程度、经济状况、阅读习惯上存在自身特点,读者规模相对较小;以邮政报刊亭为主的报纸零售网络已经建立,报刊亭进报渠道多样,但总体零售量不大。针对泰州市报业市场所反映的全国地级市报业市场的现状和特点,论文对地级市报业市场和大城市报业市场的共性与个性进行了比较,并在此基础上指出,目前条件下,不同的报业主体在开发地级市报业市场时应采取不同的对策。 | | 9. | As its product is special , the enterprise has the characteristics of large amounts of process , information exchange frequently between outside and inside of enterprise , long product life cycle , etc . project manufacture enterprise needs strong information support at everywhen and everywhere in all of its processes 由于所制造产品的特殊性,工程项目型制造企业具有在制造过程涉及环节多、企业内外信息交互量大、产品生命周期长等特点。工程项目型制造企业需要在产品设计、制造、维护全过程中,在企业内、外各种环境条件下都得到设计信息的有力支持。 | | 10. | In the countries represented by the u . s . , the principal - agent relationships between outside shareholders and inside shareholders and management dominate , thus the market mode l governance structure came into being . one key factor to the model ' s forming is the well - developed security market ; " shareholder paramount " is the creed of this model 在以美国的为代表的国家里,外部股东与内部股东、经营者之间的代理关系成为主要矛盾,成就了市场模式的公司治理结构,发达的证券市场是这一模式形成的关键性因素, “股东至上”是这一模式的纲领。 |
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